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  1. Thanks for that Shozzer. You are right. I'm in the UK and for regulatory reasons Sony cap the max volume to a pretty low level. It is possible to service setting of the player and change the country setting to US or another country where the cap is at a higher level. Only problem is that I just cannot get my player to go into the Service mode. Apparently the instructions are: To enter service mode: "Set the "HOLD" switch on. While holding down the GROUP key instead, enter the key sequence: >>| >>| |<< |<< >>| |<< >>| |<< | | | | i.e. FF FF REW REW FF REW FF REW PAUSE PAUSE Release all keys. If you have successfully entered service mode, the display will alternately display the firmware version in the left display and a screen with all LCD segments lit at about half second intervals. " What you need to do is find the value for code 113 and change it from the European code (81) to the US code (21). You should have the remote attached as the larger screen makes this easier. As I said I just despite me trying for hours I just cannot get my player to go into the Service mode. Does anybody have any ideas?
  2. Thank you very much for the replys Shozzer, Greenmachine. I'm looking at MP3Gain as a possible solution. However when I change the gain using the max no clipping the db level actually goes down on the tracks from the original. So not sure if this will help. I don't actually like music too loud but the sound level is really low on the transfers. When I listen to the songs walking down the street sometimes even light traffic drowns out the song. Surely this can't be right. Has anybody else experienced this? Or is it that my player is faulty or is this just my perceoption?
  3. Hi I wonder if someone can help me. I've been scratching my head endlessly trying to figure this one out. I recently acquired a Sony MZ-NHF800 and I'm very pleased with all the functionality. However one major problem I am having is that when I download MP3s from my computer onto my mini disk using a USB cable the sound level is very low. So when I listen to the music I cannot get the music to be on loud even if I set to the maximum 30 setting. I know that it is possible to manually adjust the recording level but this is only possible when recording analogue or digital using the optical cable. When I connect using the USB I cannot access the menu settings on the player since it gets set to PC -MD. I cannot see anywhere that I can adjust the recording level on Sonic software iether. Does anybody have any idea how I can set a higher recording level when transferring via the USB cable? Please help! Thanks
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