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  1. Layne

    MP3 no go?

    Thanks for the reply, however, i have done that, and it still converts to atrac. [edit] In sonicstage it acctually says "MP3" in recording format, but in the explorer its omg files. Maybe it's supposed to be like that?
  2. Where can i find the otasj plugin? Seached for it on google and on the winamp site, still cant seem to find it
  3. Layne

    MP3 no go?

    Hello! Don't know if anyone has post anything like this before, tried the search several times but didnt find anything. Anywho, i bought the NW-A1000 a couple of days ago and i finally got it today. At first i tried the connect player and, well, it worked kinda ok. After a firmware update to 3.00 i started it up again. Now it takes about 5-10 minutes for the prog to even start, so i switched to sonicstage 4.0. Now, i wanted to tranfer all my files in mp3 original format, and it says so in the options, so good i think, but it still converts the files to atrac. I tried to just drag n' drop mp3's to it but it wont play them at all. Does this player even support mp3s at all? And if it does (it does i know..i think hehe) what am I doing wrong?
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