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Everything posted by wlowry

  1. Thanks for all the advice. I didn't think about the limitations of USB transfer speeds before but it is obvious now. I think the 2 choices might be to run several virtual workstations or build a few mini pc's that can be connected to shared storage. The fact that the RH1s do not show up as drives on my PC make me wonder if it would be possible to connect several drives to one PC and not have them interfere with each other. Thanks William Lowry
  2. Hi all, I have a few thousand Minidiscs recorded about 10 years ago that I need to convert to PCM. In order to speed this up I have bought several RH1s. Has anyone tried running several versions of SonicStage at once before? I imagine that it will be difficult if not impossible! Thanks William Lowry
  3. Many thanks to everyone who has replied. I should have mentioned at the beginning that I have a few Thousand MD's, but only an hour or two a week to work on this problem. I will be looking at all of the proposed solutions and hope to make progress soon.
  4. Thanks for replying so swiftly. I have tried the same task on 2 computers, one with 3GB free and the other with 66GB free. The most important thing to me is that the audio is unbroken and unaltered. Unfortunately combining on the unit would take a long time (there are 47 tracks!). I have quite a few MD's recorded in this way which is why I am hoping to find a solution with Sonic Stage, but I am fine to try any other software as long as the audio is unbroken (which I thought Sonic Stage could do).
  5. Hi, I have a Minidisc recorded on a Standard machine several years ago. The recording was in Mono to get double the recording time (the recording is about 2 hours and 10 mins). Track marks were automatically inserted every three minutes. I now want to make 1 WAV file from the MD. I rip the tracks using an MZ-RH1 and Sonic Stage 4.3 but when I attempt to combine them I get the following message: Cannot combine the selected tracks because their combined length would exceed the maximum allowed length. (Error Code: 0000601e) I know that Sonic Stage converts from Mono to Stereo automatically and this may be the problem as this will create a 1.5GB WAV when an 800MB is sufficent. Can anybody help?
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