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Everything posted by michaeljwhyte

  1. Great....please send me an offer.....I live in Canada can you ship it there?
  2. Yeah I am patient, I am watching ebay europe daily to see if one pops up... tx,
  3. You don't happen to know where I can import one from by chance?
  4. I am looking for a black Sony MZ-RH-710.....Let me know if you are selling one... Thanks,
  5. What would you charge for shipping to Canada.... Does the unit work...other than the dents? Is the LCD screen intact?
  6. Hello Everyone: I just bought a new Hi-MD and had the same problem for an hour. I could not transfer files from Sonic Stage 3.4 to a Hi-MD. My problem was easily solved because I realised I had MusicMatch open at the same time as Sonic Stage. As soon as I closed MusicMatch the file tranfer and conversion worked perfectly. This leads me to believe that the cause of the SonicStage file transfer and conversion problem has to do with a conflict between SonicStage and some other program running on your computer (this program maybe running in the background) trying to use the same codec....Maybe try uninstalling some media player programs and seeing if that helps...just my 2 cents... tx,
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