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  1. I just found an easier way around this. I used mp3tag (http://www.mp3tag.de/en/)), and without having to modify any of the ID3 tags, all I have to do is load the files and save the tags. I'm assuming this works because this forces mp3tag to re-save all the main tag info without all the unnecessary crap, lyrics, etc.
  2. Yeah, I found out if I remove the ID3v2 tags, then they work just fine. The v1 tags don't seem to effect the files. I just did a clean format and before any codecs were installed, I tried the importing and they were still crashing SS 3.4. I just tried removing just the genres and comments but they're still crashing SS. I dont think SS checks for spelling Edit: Accidentally made a new post and couldn't figure out how to delete it, but I just found an easier way around this. I used mp3tag (http://www.mp3tag.de/en/), and without having to modify any of the ID3 tags, all I have to do is load the files and save the tags which only takes a couple seconds. I'm assuming this works because this forces mp3tag to re-save all the main tag info without all the unnecessary crap like lyrics, etc.
  3. Worldband FM isnt too important. I read that the sony unit can be connected to the computer through usb and works with sonic stage. Does that work with the Onkyos too?
  4. Hi I was looking at one of these systems here: http://www.yodobashi.com/enjoy/more/produc...9/39276489.html Preferably something on that list, but it doesnt matter. I wasn't sure which one to get though. Do any of those stand out? Or are there any that I should avoid? I was thinking about getting the CMT AH10. I messed around with the regular MD version a week ago and it seems pretty cool especially with the moving front panel for inserting MDs. Thanks.
  5. Hi, I've used an MZ-N1 for a few years now and I'd like to upgrade since it started making wierd noises recently and skipping. I've been looking around and I think HiMD looks interesting. I'm not certain which models I should look at though. I use my MDs mostly for recording audio from the computer (so I need a recorder) and portable listening. I did a little searching and found the MZ-RH10 but the remote seems to have no LCD screen from the pictures I could see and that's a big part of it for me. Right now, I'm in Taiwan for a couple of weeks and I could buy something here, but I should be headed to Japan over the summer so if anything new is coming out and worth waiting for, I could get it then. Does anybody have any suggestions? Thanks Also, why is everything here so centered on Sony systems when there are many other companies producing MD players too?
  6. Thanks, but I don't think that's it. Some of the files are 192/320kbps and I found out that if I remove the ID3v2 tags, they import fine. I still can't figure out how to fix the problem though.
  7. Hi, I've tried searching and looking through the last few pages but I couldn't find the answer. I'm using Windows XP and I disabled MP3 on ffdshow like suggested. I have a folder I'm trying to import and when I scan folder, it crashes. I was able to import 3/4s of the mp3s in the folder by importing 1 file at a time, but several of them make SS3.4 crash as soon as I try to import. It's mostly Japanese music, but I made sure there was no japanese in the ID3 tags or the filenames. I've also tried changing the region and running it with applocale but that doesnt seem to work either (I was able to import a few files with Kanji in the title so that seemed to work fine). I'm not sure what the problem is with these few files, though, I seem to have the same trouble on my desktop computer.
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