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  1. In addition to my previously mentioned Minidisc player- I am useing a Sony Walkman Digital Music Player model NW-S205F which has an FM tuner in it plus 2 Gig of Flash which holds about 1350 atrac 3 songs. The directions, as I mentioned, makes no reference how to replenish music from Sonic Stage i.e. you can not reload it back into Sonic stage-only delete it and then add more. The Flash player is a great little device that sounds good and is very unobtrusive. It hangs by a lanyard around my neck. It is also a digital pedometer and clock.
  2. Hi everyone- Bare with me as I am not that smart plus I am old and senile. I have HI-MD MZ-rh910 which I really use a lot and like very much. I thought-to not put it through so much wear and tare-I'd get a Sony WalkmanDigital Music Player which is essentially a memory stick that allows me to play ATRAC3 files with no moving parts. My question: Isn't one now allowed to transfer as many times as I want between my Mini disk player as I want?? Not limited to 3 times? Why I need to know is that my flash player interfaces with Sonic stage also BUT I can not transfer music back on to Sonic STage. I have to delete the files on the flash player to make room for new files and believe it or not- NOWHERE in the 93 page CD player does it address my question. I am suspicious that I would have to have 2 versions of Sonic stage in order to transfer back. What I'm saying is that my Sonic stage software does not know that the Flash device BELONGS TO ME. I paid for it, and every CD on it. But I'm guessing that Sony-in their infinite paranoia-thiinks that MY flash player is NOT MY flash payer and that you might be pirating files using YOUR flash player from my computer and that's why I cannnot tansfer them back in to Sonic stage. HELP! cdog PS As an aside-this is a perfect example of Sony's paranoia of people copying their music where they let it get in the way of loyal customers useing their equipment. Paranoia overrules common sense. Sony-you're stupid about such matters. And I don't want to hear the BS that a few ruin it for the many-it's your (sony) paranoia-pure & simple.
  3. cdog46

    **April Fools**

    So call me stupid for believing that April Fools Joke. But I don't find the posting of 31 March that amusing. It would be more appropriate on 1 April. Further, I don't think it's that far fetched. For those of us have owned a business-I don't think supporting this format makes a whole lot of sense when you are a big company like Sony. A small company with a nieche (sp?) product is a whole different story. Lastly-would that post or so called joke be tolerated by a joe smoe poster?
  4. Given that the minidisc's future is kind of murky-what happens down the road when my portable recorder player no longer works? I had one of the first "sport models" which fell on the floor and no longer works. So I bought aMZ-RH-910 which I like quite a bit. I notice that a lot of people on this forum own more than one. After all-anything worth doing is worth over doing. But the fact of the matter is-I can only use one at a time. Should I have a spare one in case the I have breaks? I like this format and the media lasts. Should I buy a big one to take the strain off the portable unit. Comments, thoughts-invited
  5. I find it absolutely distressing that it looks like the minidisc format is going the way of the buggywhip. I am; I'm 60 & having used practically format since the casette for Music on the go- I think the Minidisc-hands down- is the best format ever. Without rehashing all the virtues of each format Mp3 etc etc-suffice it to that Minidisc gives me the listener the best bang for the buck in terms of fidelity, portability, and control of what I want to listen to. I dropped my Sony mz-si at work. It hit the floor in such a way that it works no more so a 910 will be at my door when I get home from work. So much for shock proof. In any case-There are probably a myriad of reasons why this format is not more popular. But the reason I see as it is really irritating and annoying-was (is) Sony's preoccupation with "ilegal" downloading and DRM. They are really quite stupid, ignorant, and arrogant. In my situation 98% of what I listen to I paid for (CD purchase) and were it not for the fact I like this format-I would have told them to shove it with my wallet
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