hello, mac user here. and ready to buy the MZ-RH1 as soon as i see it here in Italy. one thing seems unclear, maybe someone can clear it up. I thought one of the new features was being able to import old , normal md recordings made on old units. But, as i look on sites where it is for sale, i find this: USB uploading with MAC (using supplied Hi-MD Music Transfer software): Using the supplied Hi-MD Music Transfer software, you can do a high speed digital transfer of your Hi-MD recordings to your MAC computer. The audio data is automatically converted to unrestricted .WAV files. Note: Only LinearPCM, Hi-SP and Hi-LP self-recordings made with the MZ-RH1 can be uploaded. does that mean it can only upload old recordings using a PC, and that only recordings made on this unit (or another HI-MD) can be uploaded to a MAC? thats what it looks like to me, but i could be missing a lot of background info. thanks for the help.