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About Ingvar13

  • Birthday 10/09/1976

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    Sharp MD-MS702, Sony MZ-RH10, Sony MZ-NH900(sold), Sharp MD-R2H, Sony MDS-JE780

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Pro DAT deck for studios and radiostations are still available (Tascam for the example). DAT and MD (or HiMD) are only home formats or semi-pro but not only Pro. Now Hi-MD Atrac3+ is competitor for MP3 not CD or DAT.
  2. I think that Onkyo or someone else will create a fullsize (43-44 cm) Hi-MD deck early. Sony thinking and dreaming about Blue-Ray, PS3, SACD and about GREAT MONEY and money and money.... Hi-MD is not priority product for Sony. I think so...
  3. Yes, I need Hi-MD deck for quality playing of Hi-MD records on my home stereo. And I want more quality of sound in portable units too. Because new Hi-MD products sounds not very good (and I must to use my old Sharp 702 if I need quality because I have earache from my RH10 sometimes (very sensetive ears))
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