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    sharp, sony mznh600d

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  1. Hi I keep trying to figure out how to transfer files into a single file or album in ss 4.0. usually when I transfer files into the library they go into several different files or albums. thanks
  2. oh my god. I just got the 3.4 and its telling me that if i want to use my hd1 with this version of ss I have to reintilize the whole thing and lose all my tracks.I have got about 1300 songs on it and its going to be a pain for me to get everything back. Any suggestions. p.s i didnt use the back up tool since it just makes a copy of all the songs that i have.
  3. Hi but if I use 3.4 wont it give me the same problem is the 2.1 which is that it says that the songs were downloaded from another computer.
  4. Hi I recently bought a sony hd mp3 thats 20 gigs and I was using a sony mz-nhd600d.Now I know that everytime I reformt my comp the sofware will make my pc to be a new one, so is it possible to download my mp3s back and put them on my new sony hd player? thanks for u r help
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