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  1. I rily hate it! Its pissing me off so much lol n i'm dun wanna get used to it =P so i think i'm gona bring it bak to the store n get another one...... i love how sony mp3s have such long battery live n designs but if its so fustrating to organize my music i think i'm gona get another mp3 by another brand probably nano lol when i had always hated ipod.....=P any suggestions wat mp3s i can get that has like at least 2GB memory, no annoying ways to organize ur music n long battery life if possibe n of cos small... thx
  2. Hi, I just bought the NW-E005F. When I transfered the tracks to the mp3 it wouldn't let me rearrange the order of it. I'm using sonicstage v4.0 right now but earlier i also tried v3.4 but both failed to work. The most annoying thing is that my old one(NW-E99) could do so. So is it just something I did wrong or the walkman simply doesn't have a basic function like this(which seems really stupid)? Thanks n please help me out!
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