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Everything posted by wolfgang

  1. Thanks for all your help man, I really appreciate it. I got a mic element from Radio Shack to see if I was going to be able to do this before I went out and got all of the parts, and I cant get it to do anything. This particular mic came with the wire already on it, so that might be a problem. I tried running it through phantom power and through a pre-amp and nothing worked. There was very, very little signal coming out of the mic. I tried just twisting the wires together and I tried soldering the wires together. I tried wiring the mic into several different cords, still nothing. Any suggestions? Tonight I think I am going to try removing the pre-existing leads and putting my own on there. This DIY may not be the thing for me after all
  2. 2 questions: 1) On mics with a freq. range of 30-20,000, what happens to sounds below 30? Are they just ignored or distorted or what? 2) I've been reading greenmachine's DIY project. Are the mic cartridges really only like $2 a piece?
  3. Ok. I'm in the same boat as you in that any mics I buy will be under $200. So are you basically saying that "low-cost" omnis are better than "low-cost" cards?
  4. I'm a n00b at recording concerts. I have read lots and lots of stuff about it, but I've never actually done it. I got a Sharp MiniDisc from Ebay, but I get the dreaded UTOC error any time I try to do anything. I'm just going to get a new Hi-MD next. My question is about mics. It seems lots of people here recommend binaural mics over cardoid mics. Why is this? It seems to me that binaural would pick up too much noise from behind, say a large fat woman screaming in your ear like what happened to me at the last Bon Jovi concert. Whereas if one were using cardioid mics, then the woman's effect on a recording would be minimized because the sound from the speakers coming into the pick-up pattern would overpower the sound from behind whose sound is coming from the opposite direction of the pickup pattern.
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