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James R

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  • PlayStation Network ID
    Sharp MD-MT15 & Sony MZ-M100

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Thanks, I just recorded Sammy Hagar tonight and from some tips I got here as I listen to the recording is WOW! used my M100 with a Microphone Madness Mint Box w/Bass Roll off set to 0 and Microphone Madness MicsMCSM-8 clipped to my glasses by my ears long hair covered them. I was off to the left about a 100 feet from the stacks maybe less. Clear recording I was very happy. I'll post a clip very soon now I just need to get the remote to make things a little easier.Can't wait for the Godsmack and Zombie show same venue Thanks, Jim
  2. Hello everyone, New here, but been lurking and reading awhile. I purchased the M100 and would like to know if anyone uses the MC40ELK remote with this unit, primary use for me would be recording stealth. I believe I read here you can't start recording with the remote but you can have the M100 set and start with the pause on the remote.Also does the record levels appear on the remote? Can the levels be adjusted via remote? Many Thanks, James
  3. Hello everyone, I just purchased the Hi Md MZM100 it came withe the ECMDS70P I know it drops at 100Hz I see the MD has a setting for Loud volume recording and a low mic sens setting. My question is this I have a set of the Microphone Madness MCSM-8 Cardoids with the mint box. I'll be recording some shows coming up one will be seated right at stage the other will be farther back outdoors at speaker left. Without spending more than what I paid for the recorder what have been some good mic's for everyone?Also has anyone used the Loud level setting to record with ? Many Thanks!
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