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Everything posted by stormynight

  1. Hi guys. I recently installed Sonicstage 4.3 & can only record in Hi-MD format onto my Sony MZ-RH10 now. For some reason, it won't let me transfer library tracks to Net md format anymore. I'm not sure which SS version I used before but I used to be able to do it just fine before I re-installed Vista. Anyone know a fix for this? Thank's.
  2. Thank's for the replies. I have no skins but use wallpaper. Got rid of that but it makes no difference. My system specs: Asus SLI Deluxe AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4800+ 2 GB of DDR-SDRAM Nvidia 7900 GTX Creative X-fi soundcard Win XP Home Win XP firewall Norton A/V Roboform I get the feeling that there is a major bug in Sonicstage that keeps the program from properly uninstalling and leaves unwanted entries in the registry that interfere with a new installation. I found a post somewhere that showed all these Sony & Open MG folders/files and reg keys to delete. I deleted them all and restarted(in safe mode) but I still have the same problems as before. Is it just me or does SS kind of act like a computer virus? No matter what you do, you can't get rid of the damn thing! Arrrggghhh! The weird thing is that right after a new install of SS, it works fine for about 5 min but than it refuses to transfer anymore tracks. I'm probably just gonna have to re-install Win XP cuz this seems to be the only thing that ever works(at least for awhile). I wish that Sony would worry less about adding new features in updates and just focus on taking the bugs out so that it works reliably. Than maybe we could all enjoy our Md walkmans w/out having to cross our fingers and hope for the best. Oh well. Maybe someday........ Yeah right! LOL
  3. Hey guys. I know this has been covered somewhat in other posts but my situation is somewhat different. I have the Sony walkman MZ-RH10 and used to be able to transfer tracks to it just fine via sonicstage 3.0. I recently upgraded to SS 4.0 CP and now after SS converts my WMA or MP3 files to ATRAC, it just freezes up while trying to transfer them to my portable. I've contacted Sony 3 times about this and they just keep giving me half-ass automated replies that don't help me out one bit. Some support they got there. Anyway, I tried uninstalling everything, including the drivers, sony files/folders, registry keys and emptying the recycle bin to no avail several times. I also tried versions 3.0, 3.4 and 4.0 again. Still no luck. What a pain! I don't know who designed their crappy software but they oughta be bitch-slapped! Any ideas other than a complete reinstall of Win Xp would be much appreciated.
  4. I would buy a Hi-MD deck in a heart beat as long as the price was half way reasonable (ie: $500 or below). But I gotta say that just like alot of you, I too am a little miffed at Sony for not supporting the hi-md format more than they have been. They've always had a great offering with their older md formats. So the least they could do, is give us hi-md customers at least one generation of car & home decks. I bought my Sony MZ-RH10 portable the first day they came out & have had nothing but a positive expeirience with it. But I don't always like wearing headphones & spend most of my time either in the car or listening to my sound system at home. So come on Sony! Give us loyal minidisc fans what we want! Otherwise we'll have to resort to buying from your competitors. Onkyo anyone?
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