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Everything posted by westcountrylad

  1. yep it was pretty cheap - less than £20 plus the postage......... very little description, no model number and no photo !! So will have to see what turns up................ n.
  2. hello everyone, I just bought a mini disc player on eBay, because I got fed up of my mp3 player. But which one is it? No model number or photo. the price was good, but it's only described as Sony, light blue, and bought last year ago for around £250 (seemed pricey) Oh and it has a built in radio. Any idea which model it's likely to be? and crucially will it record? I bought a play only machine when md came out but it was nigh on useless when they stopped doing pre-recorded discs (any sign of those coming back ?) Here's hoping someone can follow these clues neil , cornwall UK
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