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Everything posted by perfumedgarden

  1. mainly voice [radio comedy progs]tried it this morning seems ok what ive transfered....thanks to all for patience etc... had a dummy run this morning everything seems ok many thanks for the help,you're all stars
  2. the material i want to transfer is mostly taped off dab radio so it looks like using the red/white analogue so do i just plug IN on one deck and OUT on the other deck thanks for help/patience
  3. my deck has digital optical in input will it still be possible to record md to md...
  4. this is my first post so please bear with me,i own sony je440 and sony je480 what i would like to know is it possible for me to record player to player as i have programmes scattered over many discs and wish to put them in some chronological order could somebody please advise me how to go about this if possible...yours hopefully
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