Ello, First time poster here. Was very inspired by this to make my own mic's and hopped on the train. My first attempt was crap - i used the mic's from Maplin with the crap responce freq (50hz-13khz), i used to stiff of a cable to make it flexible to put it into any position and the sound distorts at the sound of cymbals - must've been a freq range thingy. They look like this... i used black tape, because i decided to do everything on the cheap. Then i found a website that supplied 20-20khz mic's and was all over it in no time. So i ordered a batch and install some into headphones: These still need to be sanded a little as the plastic is abit rough around the mics. Other than than, you goto a gig and no one ever knows. These babys are awesome. Here's a band rehearsal i recorded [link] - i've only boosted the volume - no eq's, compressors etc were added. I have a question about the batterybox. I want to add some bass roll-off's to it, anyone know how?