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Everything posted by discofro

  1. discofro

    NW-HD1 Menu Help

    There must be something else wrong. i have fully charged it and followed what you said and it still does not work.
  2. discofro

    NW-HD1 Menu Help

    Thanks, I will give that a try right now.java script:emoticon('', 'smid_1') Is there any wait time in there somewhere?
  3. discofro

    NW-HD1 Menu Help

    i accidentally formated it when it was attached to my windows computer. i did this before when i was able to see on the screen and a format on the device fixed the problem. when i connect the unit to the computer the operating system does not see it.
  4. discofro

    NW-HD1 Menu Help

    My screen is cracked and i cannot read the menu on my NW-HD1. I would like to format the hard drive on the unit and initialize the disk. can anyone please tell me how many button presses to be able to do that? i will have to do this blindly. the manual does not have any screen grabs so that i can count myself.
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