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Everything posted by masa

  1. Here are the list of features that I want right now: 1. Playlist Capability. 2. Be able to support other language like Japanese 3. Make it a default for the folder to point to C:\Documents and Settings\"USERNAME"\My Documents\My Music 4. Be able use the Search function on the player. I will dontate some money if you can implement all this. I will promise you on that void.
  2. masa

    NO ITEM/Unknown

    Yeah, i dont think the search folder works. I have the same prolem. i think you have to live with that for now. Yeah, i dont think the search folder works. I have the same prolem. i think you have to live with that for now.
  3. Void, Do you think, you can add the capability to take japanese titled music? Also how is the playlist thing coming along?
  4. Void, did you notice that it skips in the first second when its playing the music? It does it consistently throughout all the songs. Do you think this is a bug in the software?
  5. great work. I really like the new software. Suggestions: 1. Do you think you can make the software capable of taking japanese font, because it currently does not let me transfer japanese music on to the player. 2. Also do you think you can make the software know where the music files are from the prior transfer so whenever we reopen the software it goes to the right folder. 3.Lastly can you make it so that you can click multiple songs in a folder and drag and drop it in to the folder. thank you for making this software, its great! I really like the GUI interface and the progress bar.
  6. The new software is really good. I really like it. I am really happy to see those GUI interface and the progress bar. Really useful. I dont know if this is a easy fix but if you can implement this into your design it would be great. I am Japanese and I listen to some Japanese music once in awhile so when I try to save some japanese music using this it gives me an error because it can not read the japanese font. If you want a sample of Japanese music I can give you one to test it out. I am guessing that the problem is that the program does not take Japanese font. Another thing that might be useful is that the software knows where the music is from the prior transfer so that whenever I close the application and reopen it, it goes to that folder. This will be a small feature that might be also cool.
  7. do you think you can put the capability to put playlists on the mp3 player?
  8. I was waiting for a software like this to come out. How did you do it?
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