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    Sony MZ-N10

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  1. Jef

    MZ-N10 problem

    Hello, when I loaded SS1.5 my MD was not connected, so that couldn't cause the problem. I was away for the weekend and when I switched the MD back on, it was functioning normally (thanks already). However, I loaded SS4.0 and the problem persists: I switch on my laptop and plug in the USB of my MD and ... nothing happens. I do not get a "new hardware detected" message etc. (although installation of SS4.0 was succesful) and according to the help file I should look at "other devices" in my device manager, but there is no such category. Also, I can not use the "safely remove hardware" because it doesn't show the device. When I unplug it, again the MD>>PC sign is there again and disappears when I plug in again. Could you please give me any other advice??? thanks
  2. Jef

    MZ-N10 problem

    Hello, yesterday I used my MZ-N10 for the first time with Sonicstage 1.5 (AE). Everything went fine (I loaded a CD and put it on MD). When I closed the application and disconnected my MD from my laptop (XP home), the window on the MD-player shows PC>>MD, and when I connect it again, Sonicstage tells me "the device is not connected". It is now impossible to play MD's unless my player is connected to my laptop, because it seems to have the wrong idea of being connected when it is not and vice versa. Can someone please help me to solve this? I already tried turning the battery off, reinstalling Sonicstage, but the problem seems to be with the MD-player software... Many thanks
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