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Everything posted by coop2332

  1. I am currently looking for a fairly cheap MD recorder/player that can do the LP4 mode. I need it to get the last out of my old MD player (n505) that will no longer record. I removed the little magnetic head so im hoping it wont erase discs (hasnt done it to my last recorded disc yet). So anyway, theyre availble on ebay for around $40. Anyone got a simple, unneeded MD recorder that they'd be willing to part with? Thanks EDIT: you can email me at cooperhouse2002'AT'yahoo.com, post here, or AIM me at coop355
  2. So my MZ-N505 finally broke down after years of abuse and am looking for pretty much anything to replace it with that costs less than $50. Theres one of ebay for $30 thats not too bad, so i may go with that. Since my MZ still plays ill probably just be using the new one for recording (no use in having two destroyed MD players). I basiccly just need a crappy thing till i get enough $$$ to buy one of those m100's that i like.
  3. Yes, i took it apart and that one ribbing cable (a small 2 wire one is definatly broken, ill repair it somehow i guess and see it if works. My MD player has taken TONS of abuse, its currently missing 2-3 screws and a spring that popped out awhile ago while i was cleaning the lens in it. that ribbon cable that broken seems to be part of a sensor or something on top of the assmebly, do really think that could be what is casing this as its only a sensor or so it appears. Ive been looking to get a new one for awhile now, i have my eyes on the m100 or w/e the one is with the aluminum lid and what not. It looks really nice and would probably last awhile, except its liek $400 so, we'll see about that.
  4. Im not quite sure where to post this as im new, but i tried. Anyway, I bought by MD player about 4 years or so ago and just recently its been giving me problems (ive been using it ALOT more too). Previous problems were skipping when it would record, leaving messy sound, but that seemed to fix its self with time. The latest problem however was very strange. I had an 80 min disc in LP-4 that worked fine for a month or two, then one day when i went to listen to it it said blank. I put in an older recorded disc in the same mode and it played it fine. I attempted to record to the "blank" disc and it said that it did, but it didnt. Do you have any idea what wrong or how i could fix it? I should mention that my friend has teh same MD player and we bought them around the same time but his did the same thing about a year after he bought it.
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