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About bd_slade

  • Birthday 03/29/1977

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  • PlayStation Network ID
    MZ-N510CK, MZ-RH1

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Thanks for all the comments everyone, I really appreciate it. I went ahead and put SonicStage 4.0 on my computer, and am anxiously awaiting the arrival of my RH1 (should be any day now!). Oh, by the way, I am indeed a SP2 user. Just like with all things, I like to have all the latest updates from MS, even if that means I'm frequently updating. Thanks again, everyone!
  2. Thanks a lot. I'm quite excited about this new one, as I'd wanted a MD recorder for a while, but didn't feel it was worth the investment until now--I'm studying folklore at my local university, so I have to do lots of interviews and upload them to my PC. I'd also like to be able to listen to my older music in a somewhat stylish and small case, which the RH1 seemed to be the perfect combination for. Now I just have to wait (im)patiently for it to arrive!
  3. Thanks very much for your advice. I'm a bit of a "latest version" junkie, so maybe I'll go with Sonic Stage 4.0 anyway. Is there any disadvantavge to using SS4.0 rather than 3.4 with the RH1? Will SS4.0 have all of the appropriate drivers built in, or would I have to install 3.4 to get those drivers? Sorry for all of the questions, and thanks again!
  4. Hi, long time reader, brand new member, first time poster. I hope this hasn't been answered before, I checked back ten pages and didn't see it, so I think I'm safe. Apologies in advance if it has been answered, though. I'm currently waiting for an RH1 to arrive (I already own the N510), and just reinstalled Windows XP hours ago. I was wondering if it would be a good idea to install Sonic Stage 4.0 while I wait, or if I should hold off and use the included version (3.4) instead? I want to avoid conflicts with software and stuff, so I'd prefer to avoid adding any unnecessary stuff. Is there some point when SS4.0 will ask you to plug in your MD recorder, or does it just install and leave it at that? As well, is SS4.0 a standalone program, or merely an update for people with existing versions of SonicStage. Any advice or experiences that anyone can share would be much appreciated. Thanks for your time!
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