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About cruisaire

  • Birthday 03/10/1962

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  • PlayStation Network ID
    MZ-R70, MZ-R37, MZ-N505, MZ-N510, MZ-NF610, MZ-R500, MZ-R900, MZ-N1

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    Mcintosh MC2100, MC250, various SE tube amps

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  1. cruisaire

    SS 2.0

    Well, I do have an old N505 laying around and it did respond to the SS 4.0!! I was able to record (volume was a bit low but I'll have to work on how to adjust that now) so at least I can record and then listen to the MD's on the 900. Thanks!
  2. cruisaire

    SS 2.0

    Thanks Bob! Maybe I can get a nickel for this 900, who knows?
  3. cruisaire

    SS 2.0

    I'm toast. Can't figure it out. USB ports are live and working. The R900 apparently isn't meant to record this way. Must be used as a player. Only ports on it are an optical with a silver box to USB (tried and doesn't work) and a standard jack. The computer just doesn't see it because there is no path for it to see. I'm outta ideas. It raelly is a nice 900, but about as useful as a brick right now for recording from my PC.
  4. cruisaire

    SS 2.0

    Well even after loading SS 4.0, the computer still doesn't "see" the recorder as a destination to send music. My only options are to create ATRAC or MP3 cd's. How exactly does one connect an R900 to a PC? If I connect it to the soundcard output using a standard stereo cable, then I don't have an output source listed under SS 4.0 for the transfer! Other than everything, what am I doing wrong?
  5. cruisaire

    SS 2.0

    Yeah, I know what you mean. It's a P3 running XP Home. Nothing on it but the OS and my software for ripping vinyl. I just don't have that PC hooked to the DSL and without a "net free" version of SS, I'm kinda screwed. I'd load 4.3 on a stick and carry it down there, but that PC doesn't have a live net line so that would be uselss, no? I'll try to load the available 4.0 and see what happens.
  6. cruisaire

    SS 2.0

    I can't get this program (which I have loaded on a NON-INTERNET XP PC) to recognize an R900. ANy ideas why it doesn't work?
  7. Wish I had the jack, I'd take her off yer hands! Nice looking unit and well cared for. I just bought three beaters of the 'bay for a little under that amount. Not near as nice, though.
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