Thank you Lo-Vo Yesterday my drive home from work was filled with excitement ,but as I approached the parking spot in front of the ranch I was dissapointed to see no Fed Ex delivery. Once inside, low and behold on the floor near the door a "you were not home deliver tomorrow" slip . Fortunately the FedEx package hub for my area is just a 15 minute drive . So, off I went to retrieve my precious RH-1. Back home to check this mutha out. I wanted to document the opening process with digi pics but my wife had the nikon and I was to anxy to wait for her return. Out of the box and into the current to charge the gumstick . This thing is the millenium falcon of all minidisc reorders ! It looks like shrunken stereo component imho. I have not delved into allthe functions of operation due to domestic tasks I was expected to perform i.e.lawn work, dinner ,dishes,and today is trash day. So today my anxiety is just as high . Can not wait to get home to truely put this monster through its paces Stay tuned ,more to come m