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    The Sony Bass Ones

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  1. please tell me sony is actually going to release the connect player for download and please tell me that it will actually be compatible with the current sony mp3 line. or is sonicstage 3.3 our final send off before sony goes all out with its WALKMAN? kilgore
  2. well, i followed your advice, and i am happy that what you did worked for you. it didn't work for me. may i ask which sonicstage version you downloaded (european or us) and how did you actually go about authorizing the device? i don't even have the options to authorize my device anymore. is it now hidden away in sonicstage? it used to be in the tools menu and in the device/info button. but it's not there anymore. i am no longer able to transfer my songs from my device to my pc. i've been downloading every version of sonicstage available, but i've had no luck what-so-ever. before i tried going through brainbug's procedure, i was able to transfer my songs back to my pc unlimited times (even though it was only to one pc). now i'm not even able to do that? CAN SOMEONE HELP PLEASE?!
  3. does anyone have any ideas on how to remedy the situation? kil
  4. finally, someone with the same problem as me. i live in the uk and it is very frustrating that sony will not allow people of this country and europe the same rights to use 5 computers as they do in the states. the "non-us access" message keeps popping up, and it is very frustrating." this is my music, i've bought it, now let me do what i want with it! i'm currently using sonicstage 3.2. i made a suggestion to sony connect uk with a customer support letter, but i believe that they just take it as hot air. i dread the day where i have to get a new computer, because i'll have to figure out a way to transfer all my tracks from one computer to the next... also, another thing sony has to stop doing is requiring a player to be initialized during every software upgrade. i pity the guy that has to constantly transfer his 20gb of music everytime sony comes out with a new sonicstage. (cursing sony quietly) kil
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