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Everything posted by chadj

  1. After talking to every data recovery place in the world, drive savers gave me the number of a Sony Plant/customer support/warranty center. A woman there said that she is pushing to get equipment in order to recover data from the disks. So Hi-MD recovery is possible. If you have bad disks you might try and call the same number in order that they know how many are out there. If anything they will realize the problem and hurry to build equipment in order to fix the disks. The woman I talked to said to try back in a few weeks and get an update if anything has happened. So this is being talked about but everyone should call to tell Sony how many people really have this problem. The number that was given to me was 334-793-7655 best of luck to all
  2. There has to be something that can be done. Something went wrong with my Hi-MD disk. I was just trying to get the info off of my disk and on to my computer now I get a "Cannot play or Record" The data is on the disk and it is just interviews. Thats all. I need my interviews back. The company that sent me paid lots of money to send me to Asia and now a huge chuck of data is missing becuase I can't access these disks. What do I do? There has to be something. I will pay anyone a good amount to help me fix my problem. Please, can anyone help.
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