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Everything posted by adrifted

  1. Thanks for this Tom Kat, still it was not completely clear for me. What's Tx? Let it be clear that the NWE-002 plays no radio. The stick with FM is NWE-002F. I do not want to use the player on board, but I want to transport it from point A to point B. That is, I want to put the player into my pocket or bag while in plane and use it after I have landed abroad. It would be hard to believe that this can be prohibited. I wonder how did the items get into my country in the first place - in truck?
  2. Thanks. However, the point that I was concerned about was exactly the issue that since one cannot switch the player off completely at all, one cannot switch off the player during take-off and landing. Or is the standby modus "off" enough?
  3. Hi, I have been planning to buy a NW-E002 player and have been doing some background search. I was taken aback, when I found the following short sentence in the user guide: "Do not use the player on an aircraft." In fact, I have no intention of listening the tunes while on board, but I want to use the player mostly in the journey to the airport and during the long wait there. And then I would be happy to pack the player in and get on the plane. But as it seems, there is no way of switching the player completely off - one can put it on the stand-by mode only. Does the player being on the stand-by during the flight qualify as "use" and could that infterfere with the mechanisms of the plane? If that's the case, I really would go for some other brand that has an "off" switch and opt for a life without ATRAC. Note that the NWE002 model does not have FM capabilities either, so this should not be a cause for concern. Have any you travelled by plane with this player ?
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