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Everything posted by mandara

  1. Hey all, Thanks for all of the advice, I did go with an NH-700 and am in the process of trying to figure things out. I bought a 1GB Hi-MD as suggested and am now trying to upload what I recorded onto the computer. I have a few questions concerning file types and how how to get away from ATRAC software. Right now I have the songs I recorded uploaded into My Library (all are OMA files ATRAC3 Plus) but am having trouble finding how to convert them to MP3s, WAVs or any other file type that will let me burn them to a CD. Is there a different software interface I should be using? I was under the impression that these recordings could be converted to usable media and were not limited to either a MD or an ATRAC cd. Thanks in advance! Mamdara
  2. A440 & Raintheory, Wow, ok, thanks for the info! So the question now becomes do I need the NH700 or will the NH600 do the job. One thing I'm not particularly clear on is the relative importance of having a mic-in jack as opposed to a line-in only. Do I understand correctly that the line-in only will allow me to record (but I have to make the decision of whether to plug a battery module OR mic into it) whereas having a mic-in eliminates this problem? Would you say that is that is the main difference between the 2 and is it a significant one? I checked out the mic you recommended (no I don't have any recording materials so any 'peripherals' advice would be handy as well) and it looks like there are components that combine a mic/battery module into one unit. Is that what would be required with the NH600? I did see a used NH600 on ebay, wondering right now if I should go for that or if it is a better venture to wait for a NH700... thanks again!
  3. Hey, I have been trolling the internet and ebay looking at the various recording devices for concerts (mp3, minidisc, DAT) and have found minidisc recorders to be the best (unless you want to spend a lot of cash). I know VERY little about MD recorders and have been trying to find the best recorder (most likely used) to record concerts. I'm not interested in a MD for any other reason so storage capacity, etc is not a concern. Thus far, the recorders of choice amongst tapers have been MD-MS722 and the hard-disk recorder Creative Labs Nomad Jukebox 3, though on this forum everyone keeps talking about the Sony MZ-NH600. Can anyone point me in the right direction? I really can't spend over $150 (hence looking at used models). I am also looking at older models such as the Sony MZ-900 MD LP...is this now horribly under-quality compared to the newer versions? Everyone seems so knowledgeable here I'd appreciate any advice, thanks so much!
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