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  1. seems to be a windows thing. when i let it go through with the crap of new usb hardware attached (which it does EVERY time) then it transfers all the songs. hope that helps. so long as it will keep recognising the cds spent all of Tuesday trying to get it to load track details of Cds beginging with b, did it the next day no hastle, but wednessday they went on fine. wierd
  2. I'm encoding all my cd collection, so no mp3 to convert, and its going staight to atrac3plus 128kbps but what about it not transfering them. i read sumwhere if u drag and drop with windows it might not play or store them correctly. (also how the hell to i remove those 2 free "songs" (their so crap i think using the word songs is sacrilege) and what about the songs it says are ready for export and wont transfer over
  3. I'm in the process of converting all my cds to .OMA ( btw is it worth me shoving them as atrac instead, just wondring as that seems to be what every1 thread titles are about) now apart from the computer being slow @ encoding them. (reason being its a sh!t computer(1.12ghz 256MBram and a 20gb hd (pls dont laugh, i cant do anything about it for a while)) it seems to refuse to export certain songs. It doesnt help that i only have USB 1.1 rather than 2.0, but it wont transfer them. It just says ready for export, and dosent move them. as a side note, can i delete the library once their transfered onto the device, as i dont have a huge amount of HD space. i disabled full sync mode, and have been trying to update manually, but to no avail.
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