I'm in the process of converting all my cds to .OMA ( btw is it worth me shoving them as atrac instead, just wondring as that seems to be what every1 thread titles are about) now apart from the computer being slow @ encoding them. (reason being its a sh!t computer(1.12ghz 256MBram and a 20gb hd (pls dont laugh, i cant do anything about it for a while)) it seems to refuse to export certain songs. It doesnt help that i only have USB 1.1 rather than 2.0, but it wont transfer them. It just says ready for export, and dosent move them. as a side note, can i delete the library once their transfered onto the device, as i dont have a huge amount of HD space. i disabled full sync mode, and have been trying to update manually, but to no avail.