Hi my name is Rob i live in amsterdam am 37 and am a painter by proffesion , sound and music is a mainstay in my life , i currently have a mz-nf 810 and a pair of sennies HD25's hooked up to this , i was wondering if anny body could give me a few tips on the following : labeling , is there a better neater more permenant way of labeling MD's , i find the small sticky strokes to label the MD on the edges dont really last long and it looks very amateuristic , i was thingking about getting the album covers printed of the net on to good paper and slapping them on some how , also im looking for a portable amplifyer that 'll work on a AA sized batery ( the kind that go in walkmans etc .), ive checked out a 'Boostaroo' but havn't picked one up yet , (those damn volume limitations really limit the quality of the headphones i got ,anny body have the same problem?)wonder if anny body had some good advice Gr Rob