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Everything posted by nabwong

  1. Hello, I've been reading here for a few days and decided to buy an nh700. Bought it from cassette house for $150. I originally was looking at the rh1 and edirol r-09 but i read that the hi-md recorders have about the same quality of recording/sound. I hope this is true? Anyway, i'm happy that i've saved $150. My last md recorder was the mz-r55 and that lasted pretty long until it got stolen. I'm glad i'm getting a recorder that has usb transfer feature. Anyway, hope i made the right choice. thanks, najib
  2. Hi, I'm looking for an RH1 or RH10 for a good price. Please email me at nabwong@yahoo.com if you're selling. I'm in Boston. Thanks, nabwong
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