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Everything posted by Karlo93

  1. Damn I cant figure out the problme... THe only problem is that the POP-UP disapears! :S I hate SonicStage lol
  2. I reinstaled my whole computer with Service pack 3,30 min ago... And got only 1 antivirus. instaled SonicStage 4.0 and got all the same.. the pop up CONVERTIN something just disapears.. =S i runed the black thing.. and typed in the scannow thing and it doesent scan some error saying its not posible i odnt know.. =S
  3. dident work... =( we need to get another thing.. i did all u said and the same thing on
  4. THE WRT.exe is the thing window i got.. but in dont know how to use it the CSrepair.exe and give an answer lol WRT.bmp is the screenshoot WRT.bmp WRT.bmp
  5. Im sure i got no VIRUS cuzz im using 2 best antiviruses and automatick updates... ?????????????? Antivirus scan every day on my computer.. And something like automaticly detect virus Got spyrevare,fireval,nod32... When im instaling it it says i have no instaled any macroopol thing so i need to pay it to use it
  6. When i press that i get a lot of letters and then an error.. DONT SEND OR SEND i press dont send or send every enternet Explorer window shots down and i dont understand... can we try something diferent than that repair tool? i donwloaded it from another link but some stupid errors coming out when trying to run it
  7. Maybe its not there cuzz im NOT USING Geniue (or something like that word....) I got WINDOWS XP Service Pack 2
  8. Im using Sonic Stage 4.0 now... Got the same problem PLEASE HELP
  9. And on the other computer when i instal Sonic STage i dont see the Sonic Stage icon
  10. Im trying to run Sonic Stage 3.0 I already got it instaled from the CD i got with the MP3... And when i press the Sonic Stage (try to run) icon i get up a pop up Updating Sonic Stage database (something like that) and it says that Sonic Stage will automaticly restart when done.. and there is only an OK button... I press it and the comes a new pop up for 0.50 sec and disapears!
  11. Im using the Sonyc Stage from CD... I got the database problem too... I done all things u said but i cant open the thing Curido said to download to get it work... Some error coming out
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