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  1. Thanks for the replys so far, but I believe there is some confusion in my question. I understand that the newer models do not have 2 separate output jacks. I am questioning the versatility of the one that they currently have. It seems that when reading the manuals certain MD models only are allocated for Headphone use and yet some are able to be used for headphone AND line-out applications. Why is this? And is it a something you can notice a difference?
  2. Hello all, I am new the forum and to minidiscs. Anyway, I have decided to purchase one of the newer Sony HI-MD models. However, in reading the product descriptions I am left confused about one thing... Some models, such as the MZ-RH1, will state that the output line will be: 1/8" 'headphone jack' and 'line'. Where as a model such as the MZ-M100 will state that the output is just: 1/8" 'headphone jack'. How come some models have the 'line' out feature and others do not? For whatever its worth, I plan on using the device to listen to both headphones and hook up to my stereo as well. So should I stay away from the models that just list 'headphone' on the output? Now, if there is a difference of any kind, PLEASE let me know, I am very picky about my sound and would probably be able to tell. thanks guys, r
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