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  1. Hi, I have a Minidisc recorder (MZ-NH900) and I really need some help. I'm not sure what information is required but here's what happened: On one of my tracks (goes for about an hour and a half in total) it plays perfectly for 12 seconds then it's silent with some jumping sounds for the rest of the track. I have no idea what happened, my sister said she pressed the stop button while this track was playing and it said 'system file transfer' and that could have been after 12 seconds, but this could have nothing to do with the problem. I listened to the whole hour and a half about twice without any problems, now I can only hear the first 12 seconds. All the other tracks work fine.Could the disc be damaged or something? Is there anything I can try to fix it? This is my first recording but the recorder is borrowed so it's probably been used a lot. I would really appreciate any replies as this file was really important. Thanks for any help.
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