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About dispher

  • Birthday 11/05/1977

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  • Sony Products I Own
    MZ-NH1, MZ-RH1

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  1. Hello, SonicStage 4.3 + Windows 7 x64 (RTM) = No Problems at all! <=== no XP compatibility mode needed Used with: MZ-NH1, MZ-RH1, NW-S703F, NW-A808, NWA3000 Upload download ripping transcoding titling.... general use is working as you would expect!
  2. i can confirm that! good discovery man....this software REALLY needs some serious patching (or spanking) ! thanks for the tip... i guess i can (somehow) use SonicStage now
  3. well ... the problem itself is in the ENCODER not the ripper that’s why this error will be present regardless. Sound Forge dose rip & encode to ATRAC3plus (error free + gapless) but the downside is that the files made with it will import to SonicStage 100% ok but will have a "0times remaining transfer count" that will make them prohibited to transfer to any device! they will be "pure" aa3 files that are not wrapped in a DRM container (OMG or OMA) & for the life of me i don't know how they still get a restricted transfer bit in them!!!
  4. that's very true...if you listen to the whole LP in one shot, the error will be 100% transparent to you (because there is no duplication). but if you have gapless remixes / techno & trance / other stuff ... that are all gapless but deferent styles (track 1 is not related to track 2 in anyway but they play continuously) this will be a bummer!
  5. well i guess this IS a widespred problem :S i really hope they fix it soon thanks for giving it a go...
  6. hello everyone... i posted this a while back @ minidisc.org (the one & only place for all things MD) as this problem isn’t really MD related, i decided to post it here (the definite ATRAC website) i have some kinda "issue" really annoying in *ALL* versions of SonicStage that i used starting from the version bundled with the MZ-NH1 ... (i think it's 2.1) up until 4.0. it is the way the encoder in SonicStage uses the ATRAC3plus CODEC ... Not ATRAC3 (to some extent) or WMA or MP3...just the ATRAC3plus CODEC. When you rip a CD or convert files it seems like the program has a way of achieving "gapless" rips or converts by streaming the audio signal as one long stream & cutting it where one track ends & the other begins (simulated trackmarks) but due to an error in the way the program uses the ATRAC3plus CODEC it doesn't split the tracks in the original point in the stream! it offsets them by about 300 to 400 milliseconds (less than half a sec) before the end of the first track & the remaining part of the first track goes to the second track. i checked this using my ears & sound forge to examine the output. what does this mean??? you will always have to hear the last milliseconds of the track that was playing before the track you will listen to next ... on some CDs this will have no effect (since there is a bit of silence that omits this error) but on gapless CDs it will be EXTREAMLY ANOYING there are no solutions for this that i know of...except for 1. ripping the CD 2. combine all the tracks using the combine function 3. split them using the divide function (not 100% accurate) 4. re-name & re-tag everything (everything was tagged & named perfectly using gracenote in the first place) i have tried deferent PCs & deferent windows versions (freshly installed) heck, i even tried virtual PCs & i still get the same result! i have made 3 WAV test tones (sine waves) for you to checkout...they are: #1 (300Hz) // #2 (500Hz) // #3 (700Hz) please pop them in SonicStage and: 1. select them all (all 3 signals) <=== IMPORTANT 2. convert Them to ATRAC3plus (any bitrate) 3. delete the WAV files. 4. listen to them...or better yet, open them in sound forge or (after converting to WAV) in any other WAV editor of choice. please let me know if you get part of signal #1 in #2 and part of #2 in #3. i really need to know if this is a widespread issue or something caused by some kind of flaw in windows (or SonicStage) peace ps: please change the extension to RAR for the attached file
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