I didn't want to get another player because I really like the hardware. Long battery life, 1GB Disks, easy interface. Also, I didn't really have anything saved in my 'Library' as such. I have a huge collection of music and when I first got my NH600D, I used iTunes and copied all the songs I wanted to transfer into one playlist and then copied the files from that playlist to a folder on my harddrive. I 'imported' the folder with SonicStage and then transferred everything. Worked fine. I finally got around the issue with some help from the intarweb ( in particular, a amazon.com review ). It took me a good 3 hours but I finally got everything back on there. I used nero to create a cd-image of an audio cd. I mounted the cd using Alcohol 120% and transferred it to my player using the MD Simple Burner. I had to 'rename' every single track because they all just showed up as Trk01, Trk02 .. etc. It was worth it in the end, I don't juggle too many songs, I usually have a large set of songs I keep on my player and then add a few here and there. Sony really should've built on the concept of the MD Simple Burner in its SonicStage software. The Simple Burner was so effortless in the transfer that it suprised me. I was expecting something to pop up and say I couldn't do something, and in fact, the only software to give me problems during the whole transfer ordeal was Nero! Apparently, Nero doesn't like some of my mp3s and when burning the cd-image to my harddrive, it would just freeze. I'd have to make note of the song that froze it up, reload nero, copy the songs from that cd back into nero and then remove the 'bad' song. All-in-all, I had to 'not' copy about 5 or 6 songs. I had to run through the process of creating about 8 or 9 separate cd-images until I had everything transferred. In the future, it will be much simpler since I will only have a few 'new' songs to transfer at a time. Feels good to have it back again. And everyone who is having a problem with their SonicStage and who doesn't really care about having SonicStage manage your music, just use the MD Simple Burner, it really is Simple. Daneel