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  1. Odd... now it works. This is really confusing.
  2. So I've been using my mzrh1 for about 2 months now, proving great results. With a little amplification and hard limiting my recordings of my band sound like they're right here in my room. However, I have a quick noobie question I couldn't find on search. Sometimes when I try to record it tells me "Protected Disc", after button mashing it eventually lets me record. That wasn't really a problem until recently when trying to get recordings off my MD to my computer using sonicstage, it tells me the md files are "write-protected." The recordings on there now aren't that big of a deal so if I can't get them it's not a problem. But how do I stop this from happening again? Or better yet, fix it now?
  3. just got my stuff, FINALLY. First thing I did was record an acoustic elliot smith song. Limited tinkering was done and I'm still learning, but oh my GOD this sounds so much better than I could have ever anticipated; I can not wait to get in the studio and recording some live band stuff. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=SD6GYN1X
  4. Ok I'll try it out. I think I know how I'll go about it too. I'll post some up when we have some decent recordings. Thx a4
  5. Heh should just ask this in advance, but based on what I've listed do you have any suggestions as to settings so I can cut down on the tinkering time?
  6. Ya I made sure the bass roll off wasnt something I couldnt turn off, its adjustable. I went ahead and just replaced the cardioids with some well reviewed omnis. Im not too sure how it would of sounded... I probably could have gotten something decent after fashioning the amps in similar directions but it would of been a pain, taking away from the original "simplistic" purpose of getting a MD recorder to record in the first place. And yes... acoustics are indeed wacky. An old rehearsal space I use to play at with my father a few years ago got great sound mix in the adjacent guitar case closet... which was actually where they recorded some stuff with a cheap MD player which is where I got the idea in the first place. I will be sure to post how it turns out and you will probably hear from me when I start trying to dial it in.
  7. Ya the bass is really loud in our space. Not everything goes into the mixer although I could set it up for that and if I would that's what I meant. I wouldn't mind using this for recording live shows and at the venues around here the bass is loud enough to make your eardrums rattle, so the roll-off wont go to waste. Thanks for the mic suggestion I'm definately changing my choice now, looking at a 20hz omni atm. Although one question about the directional mic listed above. The space is a some what square enclosure with amps pointing all different directions, definately not aimed at a particular direction. But there is a hallway before entering the room that I guess you could place the mic and everything would be coming from one direction.. you think that would work? Just asking, probably a stupid question. Thanks a lot man, you really have been more help than I would have thought to have received.
  8. Cool, I'll have to check it out. Yes, our practice space has a mixer from which the mic's run through and out to the pa... and... some of us wear earplugs haha. Plus since its a sort of enclosed area it makes it sound a lot louder than it actually may be. So 1/8th mic, got it. Also could you ... lol, ... link me to actual discs to be recorded on. Don't want to order anything and find out later it sucks or isn't compatable. So here's what I'm looking at as of now. MD recorder: MZ-RH1 Hi-MD Recorder http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller...oughType=search Microphones: SP-CMC-20's http://www.soundprofessionals.com/cgi-bin/.../item/SP-CMC-20 Battery: slimline battery module 9v w/ bass roll off; http://www.soundprofessionals.com/cgi-bin/...?item=SP-SPSB-1 So.. what do you guys think? Any better suggestions for the money, or is this the cream of the crop? Also if theres a way I can skip the whole mic thing and somehow connect into the mixer to an XLR microphone that would be awesome too.
  9. So this question has probably been answered about... 1,000 times already I'm sure. But because I'm a complete noob and know nothing about MD players, reading other topics somewhat similiar to my situation don't make too much sense. So... My question is what md player would suit best for recording live rough demo tracks of my band? It's pretty heavy stuff and extremely loud. I'm pretty sure my budget reigns high enough to afford any portable hi-md recorder, so it shouldn't be a problem (400-500ish). I would also need a mic + any other accessory needed to make it work. My main concern is the sound quality, whether or not certain things like a loud bass would rattle the recording to nothing but a loud buzz. I'm not looking for something spectacular.. just a recording that is coherent enough to where all the instruments and vocals can relatively be heard and can be used to riff out ideas and write lyrics. If it can't be uploaded to a computer, I don't want it So that leaves only hi-md recorders ( I think those are the ones that are usb able if I retained anything reading this site ). Thanks in advance, any suggestions are highly appreciated. edit: If you could also reference some good places to purchase any of the suggested items I would appreciate that too! Trevor
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