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Everything posted by Jorj

  1. Up Since my last post I have installed Avrin's Ultimate SS4.3 and I made some interesting observations. For example today I copied an original cd using Sonicstage. I was not able again to see the song titles when I opened it (Computer/DVD RW Drive(F:)/open). I was not also able to see them when I played it with windows media player nor with mp classic. But then when I played it with VLC all the titles appeared in the playlist! So, it is not my DVD drive nor Sonicstage the only reason for the absence of music info, but a kind of incompatibility between different combinations of players, writers and burning software. The same cd I burned with nero and the titles appeared on windows media player, but not when I opened it (without playing it) in my Computer (as above) . I wonder sometimes about this kind of "problems" when the technology is already there but doesn't cover all cases for no obvious reason(s).
  2. I will try to install Ultimate SS4.3. It's the release 2, right? If I need the SonicStage patch 4.3.02 where can I download it from?
  3. That's interesting to know. I never thought it could be a matter of the cd-writer. Mine is an Optiarc DVD RW AD-7561S ATA with lightscribe. I don't really know if it's supposed to be good. It came with my laptop. Well, I guess that cannot be changed. Thanx again.
  4. Actually it was No2 I needed to know. It's a same it can't be done. I wonder if it's the software. Anyway, thank you very much for the information. I spend quite some time trying to figure it out.
  5. Thank you. I just did the update but still it's track1, 2, 3..... I am not given the option anywhere (in sonicstage) to add the information to the cd. Are you sure it is just matter of whether my cd-writer supports it?
  6. Hi! I have a MiniDisc player (MZ-NHF800) and sonicstage 4.3.01 on windows 7. I sometimes use sonicstage to burn audio cds from my (sonicstage) library (usually mp3s). My question is if I can keep the music information (artist, track title) on the audio cd so that when I play it it displays that information instead of track1,2... I have posted the same question at the minidisc section too, by mistake. Thanx
  7. My question has to do with sonicstage so I assumed (probably wrongly) that I should post it here. Maybe I should have posted it at the software section. Anyway, if you may know, I use sonicstage 4.3 also to burn audio cds from my (sonicstage) library (mostly mp3s). But I get audio cds withought the music data (like song title, artist etc). So I was wondering if I can burn the cds (using always sonicstage) and save title and artist and not just track1,2... I hope this time I made myself clear. Thanx a lot
  8. Hi! I hope I am posting this in the right place. I would like to ask if it is possible to save the music data on a cd when burning it with sonicstage. I have version 4.3 on windows ultimate 7. Thanx
  9. I have installed the sonicstage 2.0 AE successfully but when I try to run it I get a message: "Driver components mis-match, exit is the only option". I tryied all I could but nothing works. Please help (try a step by step description as I am quite new with computers)
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