Hi all: I've just been through the horrible experience of losing irreplaceable recorded interview files on my Hi-MD recorder, and the nearly as horrible experience of 1 1/2 hours on the phone with unhelpful Sony support staff. My MD still contains the data I recorded, as the hma file is 980,000 kb in size. But I can't access it because of the stupid, useless Sony software. And the Sony people say they have no way of recovering the files - which seems fishy to me, when they came up with the damn encryption to begin with. Needless to say, this makes me extremely angry. These interviews were part of my dissertation research in the Dominican Republic and I will never be able to duplicate this research. I told Sony I'd be willing to take them to court over this. Their product is not as advertised and it does not perform the functions that it's meant to perform. It is putting me through enormous and unnecessary trauma while I'm already in the stressful stage of dissertation writing. I'm hoping that (a) I can scare them into doing something about my files, and ( that I can help to change their stupid policies in the future. Is there anyone else out there that would like to join me? The more the merrier! Class action!! Sydney