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Everything posted by 123rollie

  1. gang green: 80s skatepunk/boston hardcore beer drinking hevies the accused: 80s thrash/heavymetal nashville pussy: southern cowpoke hard drivin hard drinkin metal hank williams 111: sounds like his grandpappy on studio stuff... thrash live
  2. thank you very much you have been very informitive thank you for taking the time to write the steps out some people get frustrated with newbies.... share your knowlege... dont let us be newbies forever!!
  3. ok ive got audacity an uploaded a song now how do i get it to a cd
  4. hi i cant seem to find the info that tells me a simple step by step way to upload my anolog recording to my pc some places have said to use windows movie maker or nero but none tell me step by step how to thanks .... share your knowlege dont let me be a newbie forever!
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