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  1. Thanks! Yeah, that's what I thought as well. Nobody would have to think about searching people on arrival, they just had to place some "signal disturbers" at the venue Okay, that makes me feel a bit safer for the next time. I love the Archos! It's great, didn't have any problems with it yet. Recording works fine, along with an extra battery pack though, otherwise I'm not sure if it would work. So far, I'm fine with the results it gave me (just recorded a few concerts yet, beginning was not that good, but now I think I found the right way).
  2. I've been to a concert yesterday and I recorded with my Archos Gmini 400 along with the RS Boost Box. Then something strange happened and I have a question to the experts now: Is it possible that recording devices (of whatever kind - the Gmini is a hard drive recorder) are detected by something (don't really know, like you can detect cell phone rays...) and then the sound input signal gets disturbed by something? You know, that they don't ask you to turn it off, but just disturb the signal so that your recording doesn't work? What happened was: Recording sound good up to 1:15 hours into the show. Then the sound is gone completely, no input level. I'm pretty sure (although I can't guarantee) that nothing got disconnected or switched off, the recording itself (file length) is 2:40 in total. What concerns me is that there was a man who apparently got caught recording, I could see a security guy talking to him and then he took something that looked like an MD recorder out of his pocket and turned it off. After that, I always saw this security guy standing in the corridor, a few meters behind me. Can it be that someone influences the incoming sound like you can influence tapes with a magnet??? I really can't imagine that since the sound comes "out of the air"... Could someone explain?
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