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  1. Hello Thank you for these curves of the intrinsic noise of the RH1. This basic measurements helps me to better understand other sources of noise ... With you, it is interesting to understand the effect of rec_level and mic_sensivity on the spectrum of the noise. -70 dB is a very high noise, that I noticed when recording someone playing its instrument at very low level. May I suggest you other types of measurements ? Sony is repairing, actually, my RH1 : a problem of the jog button ("forward" button). The problem appeared since the first day. For example, I noticed that there is some additional noise when the remote is plugged. I used the same microphone on the RH1, as well on my old Mzr-900 for the comparison ... In general, I don't have noise problems with the Mzr900 recorder. With the remote, the noise is permanent. I noticed another big source of noise : the OLED display. But It can be "off" automaticaly. It can be interesting to measure the noise at the output. But it is necessary to have a low noise measurement system (better than recorder itself !). What if ... you plug the output into the mic_input !!! About the noise, it is true that I didn't have the opportunity to use the ferrite accessory. It seems that these ferrites must be used on each cable (micro, remote, headphone, ...). Could you check noise, with and whitout these ferrites ! Thank you again for your interesting curves. Regards
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