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Everything posted by aka_kepep

  1. well, its just a skin... and ive also tried using other programs such as stated above, realplayer... same thing happened... so i dun think its the software problem... rite one more thing... ive tried swapping a new usb cable... samething occured... so i dun think its the cable problemm... what is it.... waaaaaaa... im hopeless
  2. well, ill think ill try out with the cable thingy first... thanx mr'a440' ill keep u guys updated wif my situation...
  3. ill try to answer the questions as systematic as possible; 1. first of all, these are the files im tryin to transfer.. u can check out the file details.. but for additional info, ive tried many kinds of files b4 this... all kinda mp3's, wma's... but still ends with this kinda msg____________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. i tried formatting the mds thru these softwares, but wat i get are these messages, (i can still format using the md player, only thru software i cant) ive used 5 different blank disks and all gives the same error msgs.... ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. this shows the process of transferring, it still runs up to 100%... wait... wait.. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. and walla, after hitting 100%, ill get these messages, ive used 5 different blank disks and all gives the same error msgs.... and 5. yerp, previously those were malaysian and sum r indonesian songs... im from malaysia
  4. hye people, im quite a newbie, in fact i just got dis md player for about one week, n it seems that i cant transfer or copy files to the md... the model which im using is sony mzn510 type s, im usin normal tdk md music jack md's ive alredi checked the write protection, the md's are blank.. im usin usb connection.. so far the programs im usin are sonic stage ver 4.2 and realplayer... usin sonic stage usin realplayer so far the md player can play recorded discs... only problem is to transfer from pc to the md..
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