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Everything posted by gaskelld

  1. Hi, I want to connect the optical-out of my MD deck to the optical-in of two other devices at the same time. There is only one optical out on the MD deck so I was wondering if a device exists that would split this to give me two optical-outs (in a similar way to one of those headphone adaptor plugs that plug into the single headphone socket of a walkman and then allows you to connect two sets of headphones)? Thanks, Dave.
  2. - thanks for your reply. How do MiniDiscs compare in terms of lifespan to CDs? Do MDs also have a layer of metal that can degrade and flake off over time? What's the typical life expectancy of audio recorded on a reputable brand MD? Also, any idea how many working hours to expect from a MD player/recorder? Thanks, Dave.
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