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  1. I moved away from home a few months ago, and bought an 80 gig Ipod classic just because I knew I wouldn't be able to take my 250+ CD collection with me. I also own a Mz-M100 Hi MD recorder, which I mostly used for live recording, but also had a decent collection of music stored on a few discs. Since I came here, I pretty much abandoned the minidisc for playing, and used it just for recording. The other day, I thought I'd plug some headphones into the MD player, because I had some great mixes made. I couldn't BELIEVE the difference in sound quality from the MD after using just the Ipod for months. It had so much more detail. The EQ was miles above the Ipods (which I never use because it just distorts the music). And dare I say it... but it sounded WARM. Most of these songs on the Minidiscs, I also used the same files to put on my Ipod, and the back to back difference is astounding. I'm not sure if I ever posted here before... but I thought I would share my amazement with everyone. You people here seem to be onto something, and I wanted to spread my enthusiasm. I know I'll still use the Ipod just because of capacity/convenience, but wow... I'll make sure my HiMD is always close by.
  2. Hey, I just spent quite a long time ripping 1 GB worth of CDs on my computer, then when I went to transfer those to a Hi-MD, Sonic Stage converted the bitrate of everything... I checked the options and the "Leave As Is" option was checked, but in "advanced" it said if it was unable to use the first format it would convert to 132 KBS. I use a Mz-M100, and I ripped everything to 128 KBS Atrac. The weird thing is, 128 Mp3s work fine.... So why would Sonic Stage let you save in 128 if it won't let you play 128?
  3. I just got a reply from MD-Canada. They said there was a problem with the warehouse, but my order has been received and has been shipped. They apologized for the inconvenience... so I'm happy enough. I will definitely do business again, seeing how their prices are so low!
  4. Hi, I ordered a 5 pack of Hi-MDs from minidisc-canada.com, as it seemed to be the cheapest way to get some good minidiscs here in Canada. I made the order of January 1st, and according to Paypal, the payment went through, but I haven't received any contact from minidisc-canada saying that they received my order. I looked on the site, and it says the order hasn't been processed yet... I have e-mailed them several times, but have never gotten any reply back. I tried calling them today, only to be greeted by an answering machine. I'm starting to think that I'm going to lose $40... Has anyone else delt with this company before? Are they crooks, or reliable? Also, if anyone knows how I could cancel this payment (it was through my debit card, with Paypal), it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Ryan
  5. Walmart here in Newfoundland has NEVER carried blank MDs, as far as I can remember (5 years or so that I would have noticed....) But they're there now. No HI-MD, but lots and lots of 80 minute discs. I was actually surpised because I got my first mindisc player this year, and assumed from the start that I would have to order blanks online. The guys at the Sony Store here said they can't keep MDs in stock due to students at the university. They even said they still regularly sell bulky cassette recorders... So, things are dead yet at all. After using the M100 for a while, it blows my mind that Sony never marketed Hi-MD at all. These things could have definitely been popular. You pretty much have an endless supply of 1 GB Mp3 Players... Or however many discs you're willing to stop at.
  6. Hey, I got the MZ-M100 for Christmas, and I have to say, I am quite happy with this thing. It is my first experience with Minidisc, and I am very impressed already. I wanted it equally as a portable music player, and for recording. I play in a band, and go to lots of concerts, so it seemed that minidiscs were the best way to start recording everything. I bought a 5 pack of 80 minute MDs, and I have the 1GB disc that came with the player. Are there any suggestions as to where I could get some Hi-MDs in Canada? I know the Sony Store and The Source has them, but I was hoping to find somewhere a little cheaper. If not, I don't mind forking out $10 every now and then. Thanks!
  7. I have an external soundcard for my laptop, which has surround sound, and such. It also has a Digital output which I have never used for anything (S/PDIF in and out). When you remove the cover of the jacks, a red light shines out. What kind of cord would I need to use this with my Minidsic player (Mz-M100). Thanks! Ryan
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