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    Sony mz-nh700, Sony mz-r55

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  1. Hi, Just got myself a MZ-RH1 (second hand) and I gotta say I have no confidence with the battery. Even when the battery has zero power, I re-charge via the mains lead supplied, and it indicates it only needs 15 minutes to charge. Is there any way to overide the automatic charge so I can charge it for a couple of hours without it automatically switching itself off. I record live gigs, and it's every tapers nightmare to lose power during the gig. Maybe I need to purchase a new battery, does anyone know of a supplier, can't find any online? Thanks
  2. Thanks for your help people. I've now converted the file using MarC's HiMDRenderer program ( http://www.marcnetsystem.co.uk/ ). A very useful program. Thanks again. Lee
  3. Hi. I've just got myself a Hi-Md unit, Sony MZ NH-700. This was a 2nd hand purchase, with no instructions or software. I used it for the first time last week, recording PLACEBO at Wembley Arena. I downloaded the software from the Sony site, and transfered the recorded file to my pc with no problems. The problems started when trying to convert the file to wav. The option in 'Tools' to convert the file to wav in SonicStage is a greyed out 'dead' option. After much strife, I downloaded the Sony Wave Conversion software, but this wont work, a message 'You must have SonicStage 2.1 or higher' appears, even though I have the SonicStage from the sony site installed on my pc. Will installing the SonicStage from the links in this thread solve my problem? Or is there a different solution. So, to sum up.....I just need to be able to convert the OMG file to wave, so I can edit my recording in 'Goldwave', it should be simple, but this is Sony we are dealing with.....or is it me being a numpty? :-) Thanks Lee
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