With humor, I write: No, I'm not a programmer, (software testers are in my household), and gawd darn it get back to work and make SonicStage do this! The feature failed. If MD worked in reverse, as CD-ROM, then I wouldn't be here talking about how I'm disappointed & I wouldn't be using the MD like I do. I understand what you are saying, and yes, I dream big. And ... who says I'm not on other forums complaining about their technology already! Har-har. Really, I've already given it to Apple's iPod and iTunes. Gawd! Forums receive a concentration of complaints; however, this is the very first complaint I have ever had with my MD player since my first one in 1999. That makes my personal MD complaint statistic low. ~Jen My Gemini's and panasonic technics models don't have the digital outputs. Even then, the recording is still reall time ... what are you going to do? Play the vinyl at 33 x ~ ?? lol I get that Sony will not have the recording feature that I want. BUT wouldn't it be nice? ~Jen