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  1. Ok I know I'm a fish outta water here but, I need some help im trying to get head some new headphones. I kept rolling on the cord of my old ones or ill get my wheelchair over the cord and it pulls the cord and now there is a loose connection I think. I really need to get some idea's on new head phones that are under 100$ prefferably 60$ emphasis on 60$. This definatly falls under the thread catagory. I dont know as much as you guy's do I can tell by reading the thread. But Im mostly going for clarity and strong bass. I listen to strong bass music but classical and female vocal music as well as, well everything and anything really. I have a disability and I cant use these tiny headsets that are popular now plus I like the sound and comfort from the headphones that go over your ears i think they're called circum-aural. The only thing I plan on using it for is music, video games and movies on my desktop. Also I like the idea of having some that have some digital surround sound i think thats what its called. I have seen some that can do all these thing for under a hundred on newegg.com but i dont know anything about it to have faith in my ability to judge on these matters. So the check list is pretty much: 1. Clarity and good bass i don't need to peel the paint off the walls (lol) 2. Big comfortable ones the kind that cover your entire ear they have to be over the head easy to put on because i cant reach my neck really well. I have a bone disorder making that difficult 3. surround or something like it So I can hear someone sneaking behind me on Quake III PS They need to be kinda durable i take care of them but Im accident proned and please don't call me a noob or pick on me. Thanks
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