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  1. Hi again, I've bought an external hard drive today and am presently transferring my library to it. With regard to what you said about putting SonicStage onto my new pc, I don't understand the Asia-Pacific/JEB bit and the cumbersome "re-initiliazation" process. I have a Sony NWA3000 Walkman, can you explain which version of SonicStage I should load and where I can download it from? Many thanks in advance! The version on my old pc and the version through which I created my library is
  2. Mnay thanks for your help. Just one thing though, how do I save my library without using the SonicStage back-up tool? I can't even locate it on my hard drive!
  3. So, just to recap, I need to run the backup tool and save the entire library to an external hard drive. Then, on the new pc, download the latest version of SonicStage and import the saved library into this. Is the importing bit easy and guaranteed to work?
  4. Right, I've got you. Just checked that and all is ok. If one track is ok does that mean the others will be, it would take me hours to check every one? Assuming everything is A-ok, how do I go about this transfer now then? (Ruling DVD-RWs out of the equation)
  5. Hi, thanks for your reply. I don't understand it either as it does say DVDrws are acceptable in the help pages. On another note, how can I find out if the tracks in my library are DRM free? Thanks.
  6. Blimey is this hard work! I've just bought a new pc and want to transfer my 20GB library of ATRAC files from my old pc. This is proving harder than anticipated... I've tried the backup tool, it said that dvd+RW discs aren't acceptable. Great, I just spent a tenner on them. Now I need to know, what's the best method to do this transfer? The details retrieved from 'properties' of my SonicStage program are: SonicStage : SonicStage Add-on for Personal Audio Download : OpenMG Secure Module : MagicGate Memory Stick Device : NW-E2, NW-E3, NW-E5 and NW-E8P : OpenMG CD : M.S. PRO : CD Walkman : Hi-MD : Music Clip, NW-S4, NW-E7 and NW-E10 : HDWM : Net MD : EMD Plug-in: CD-R Writing Module(Audio CD/ATRAC CD/MP3 CD) : Px Engine: (I don't know if the above helps at all) Anyway, are there any other discs I can use - I realise CDRs will be far too small. Can I join my two pcs together somehow? Other than that, I am prepared to buy a cheap external hard drive but need to be sure this transfer is going to work before I do that! I've read horror stories of people not being able to transfer their libraries full stop! How can this be true? People DO change their computers, the fact is I own every single compact disc that I've loaded to my library and none are CDRs and no tracks are downloads. Why shouldn't I be able to move my songs from one pc to another? I have over 500 albums, I sincerely hope I don't have to upload every single one again! That will take me days! So please kind people, can you advise me? Thanks in advance!
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