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Everything posted by gccradioscience

  1. I have a MZ-NF610, still looking for one on Ebay. The problem is that it does not read the discs and when you put one in the disc spinning icon keeps on spinning on the disc player display after you put in a disc. The unit is useless right now. I cannot find what the problem is. Also it would be hard to take a apart and put back together. I posted a topic about this and someone deleted it off the forum. Please help me out. Thanks. Adam E.
  2. Hello, I need some advice or where to get these 2 MD recorders fixed or how to fix them. I have been without them for months and now its time to get them fixed just before the holidays to listen to Christmas music on them. Problem is that when you put a disk in the slot and close it the MD player does not read the discs. What is the leading cause of this? How do I get it fixed? The model number I am writing about is the MZ-DN430 and the MZ-NF610, both are good recorders, but right now they are not working right. Please help me out thanks. Getting them new again will be very difficult and the recorders are very expensive to buy online or not sold in stores anymore. Adam E.
  3. Sounds fine, but will they still be available to get into the states? Minidisc is not illegal to import anyways its through the Customs its possible, but another thing is that getting one that runs on 120 V AC will be an issue so I might have to get a voltage converter to run on 120 V from 220 Volts 50 Hz. If I can get my hands on one I will get the MDS-J780 for the home office cause thats where MD's are mostly being recorded from the PC. The MDS-JE480 is good for just live recording like off of a CD or mp3 in the living room, the other model is good to accompany with the PC. I have sonic stage, but still do not use it too much. I will see about doing that, but I have to convert pounds into dollars or that new currency Euros to Ameros. Adam E.
  4. I have went to Crutchfield.com and seen that they discontinued the Sony MDS-480. Why? Is sony being another problem why they cannot sell media and decks in stores?? We need to file some petition to get sony to sell the minidisc equipment and walkmans. Minidisc right now is being preserved and my collection is put away. We shouldn't lose MD equipment cause of some unkwown stupid reason cause of the economy falling downhill or some copyright issue. If that's the case then discontinue the cassette tape and replace it with minidisc. Minidiscs were supposed to be the replacement for cassette tapes and Digital Audio Tapes and Digital Compact Cassettes, but Sony wants to sell real old technology such as the cassette tape, cause I see tape decks still in stores. I cannot believe we are in the year 2008 and I am still recording with old school cassettes and having trouble making live recordings with the computer. Like we said its Sonys fault for not selling the decks cause of stupid DRM reason or something. I feel like I am living in 1992 with sony not helping customers get what they need. Sony, This is not 1988 this is 2008!
  5. Hi, My Sonicstage 4.2's database crashed and I am unable to retrieve it. I want to erase the corrupted database so I can start a new one. This sonicstage software is junkware. I would appreciate it thanks. Adam E.
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