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Everything posted by hyperballad400

  1. Thank you both very much. I may be able to borrow the required cable for the analog transfer, so that may work. However, Ishiyoshi, in regards to your tips -- How can I reconvert/re-tag the tracks in question if I can't see them on my computer? Is the answer just to do the analog transfer, as The Low Volta suggested? Again, thank you!!
  2. Hi there, Apologies for being new and not knowing anything. I received this MZ-RH10 from a friend, and so am starting from scratch. I installed Sonic Stage from here http://www.sonydigital-link.com/downloads/downloads.asp?l=en and am pretty sure it's the most up to date version. When I connect the player to the computer and try to import tracks to SonicStage, I get an error code that it cannot import the tracks (00007173). When I try to open the tracks from the desktop (Drive E), I'm told that the disk is not formatted and it asks whether I would like to format. Since I'm using a disk that isn't of great importance, I say Yes, but then the system tells me the disk cannot be formatted. The disk is not write protected. (Note -- I recorded the sound on this disk using a Marantz PMD 650.) I'm running Windows XP. Any help is much appreciated. Thank you so much.
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